Earthquakes in the past 7 days of magnitude 4.0 or greater within 10000 km
Update time = 11/10/2024 13:01

Epicenter Near Magnitude Distance to Epicenter Time Link
73 km SSE of Pondaguitan, Philippines 4.9 0051795179 km 172860576211/10/2024 11:16 map
19 km SSE of Ishigaki, Japan 4.6 0071297129 km 172860575211/10/2024 11:15 map
215 km E of Levuka, Fiji 4.4 0035493549 km 172860188411/10/2024 10:11 map
south of the Kermadec Islands 4.6 0028072807 km 172859900011/10/2024 09:23 map
25 km SSW of Hualien City, Taiwan 4.4 0072057205 km 172856405010/10/2024 23:40 map
southeast Indian Ridge 5.4 0044014401 km 172855347910/10/2024 20:44 map
89 km WNW of Tobelo, Indonesia 4.9 0047644764 km 172854496710/10/2024 18:22 map
Southwest Indian Ridge 5.1 0087438743 km 172853558710/10/2024 15:46 map
10 km SSE of Hiroo, Japan 4.6 0085918591 km 172852758210/10/2024 13:33 map
119 km ENE of Port Blair, India 4.3 0079527952 km 172852263710/10/2024 12:10 map
146 km W of Bengkulu, Indonesia 4.7 0061816181 km 172851467710/10/2024 09:57 map
237 km SSW of ‘Ohonua, Tonga 4.7 0034553455 km 172850920410/10/2024 08:26 map
22 km SW of Dompu, Indonesia 4.2 0044014401 km 172850873610/10/2024 08:18 map
Kermadec Islands region 5.2 0028652865 km 172850384810/10/2024 06:57 map
19 km WSW of Xuyong, China 4.9 0084718471 km 172849637110/10/2024 04:52 map
79 km ENE of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Russia 4.5 0098229822 km 172849455910/10/2024 04:22 map
58 km NE of Anamizu, Japan 4.6 0081598159 km 172847278109/10/2024 22:19 map
south of the Kermadec Islands 4.7 0028412841 km 172845661809/10/2024 17:50 map
96 km SW of Panguna, Papua New Guinea 4.5 0031173117 km 172843062009/10/2024 10:37 map
96 km SSW of Kirakira, Solomon Islands 4.6 0028322832 km 172841533709/10/2024 06:22 map
276 km WSW of Tual, Indonesia 4.4 0037403740 km 172840906309/10/2024 04:37 map
61 km S of Pelabuhanratu, Indonesia 4.8 0054255425 km 172839672909/10/2024 01:12 map
49 km NNE of Rengasdengklok, Indonesia 4.8 0054895489 km 172838392408/10/2024 21:38 map
south of the Kermadec Islands 4.7 0028902890 km 172837846208/10/2024 20:07 map
south of the Kermadec Islands 4.9 0028052805 km 172837484508/10/2024 19:07 map
136 km WNW of Tobelo, Indonesia 4.7 0048194819 km 172835090908/10/2024 12:28 map
south of the Kermadec Islands 4.8 0028282828 km 172835083808/10/2024 12:27 map
165 km N of Baukau, Timor Leste 4.4 0039683968 km 172835059108/10/2024 12:23 map
southeast of Easter Island 5.7 0092979297 km 172834773508/10/2024 11:35 map
south of the Kermadec Islands 5.8 0028112811 km 172834554408/10/2024 10:59 map
23 km SSE of Bantacan, Philippines 4.9 0053555355 km 172833242508/10/2024 07:20 map
Mariana Islands region 4.2 0063186318 km 172832321208/10/2024 04:46 map
24 km WSW of Isangel, Vanuatu 5.5 0024622462 km 172829381807/10/2024 20:36 map
94 km ESE of Neiafu, Tonga 5.3 0039513951 km 172828027707/10/2024 16:51 map
Volcano Islands, Japan region 4.9 0067366736 km 172827731607/10/2024 16:01 map
94 km WNW of Rabaul, Papua New Guinea 4.6 0034523452 km 172826785607/10/2024 13:24 map
11 km SSE of San Remigio, Philippines 4.6 0053185318 km 172826281007/10/2024 12:00 map
south of the Kermadec Islands 5.0 0028602860 km 172826119607/10/2024 11:33 map
285 km SW of Bandar Lampung, Indonesia 4.2 0057455745 km 172826117507/10/2024 11:32 map
280 km NNE of Lospalos, Timor Leste 4.5 0039043904 km 172825521607/10/2024 09:53 map
central East Pacific Rise 5.6 0098659865 km 172825157907/10/2024 08:52 map
97 km ENE of Kolonga, Tonga 5.0 0037513751 km 172825144907/10/2024 08:50 map
south of the Kermadec Islands 4.9 0028202820 km 172825050307/10/2024 08:35 map
114 km SSW of Pagar Alam, Indonesia 4.5 0059295929 km 172824504707/10/2024 07:04 map
34 km NE of Onagawa Chō, Japan 4.6 0082168216 km 172823520307/10/2024 04:20 map
268 km E of Levuka, Fiji 4.4 0036033603 km 172823326207/10/2024 03:47 map
237 km E of Levuka, Fiji 4.3 0035783578 km 172822523207/10/2024 01:33 map
Vanuatu region 5.2 0028422842 km 172821965807/10/2024 00:00 map
255 km NW of Ozernovskiy, Russia 4.1 0097579757 km 172821271606/10/2024 22:05 map
42 km ESE of Dannevirke, New Zealand 4.7 0023442344 km 172820995306/10/2024 21:19 map
81 km S of Kushiro, Japan 4.4 0085888588 km 172820917006/10/2024 21:06 map
Bonin Islands, Japan region 4.7 0070867086 km 172819523506/10/2024 17:13 map
5 km NNE of Masbate, Philippines 4.8 0059795979 km 172819239606/10/2024 16:26 map
205 km SE of Attu Station, Alaska 4.5 0099049904 km 172818341306/10/2024 13:56 map
Kermadec Islands region 5.1 0032233223 km 172816932006/10/2024 10:02 map
25 km W of Karori, New Zealand 5.1 0021842184 km 172814453406/10/2024 03:08 map
38 km ENE of Pilar, Philippines 4.9 0055985598 km 172813923306/10/2024 00:40 map
150 km NNE of Neiafu, Tonga 5.4 0040274027 km 172812873005/10/2024 21:45 map
Fiji region 4.5 0035863586 km 172812715005/10/2024 21:19 map
170 km ESE of Neiafu, Tonga 4.9 0039833983 km 172812494505/10/2024 20:42 map
57 km ESE of Lakatoro, Vanuatu 4.8 0026562656 km 172811671805/10/2024 18:25 map
67 km NNE of Tobelo, Indonesia 4.5 0047394739 km 172808053005/10/2024 08:22 map
101 km ESE of Sarangani, Philippines 4.7 0051105110 km 172807687105/10/2024 07:21 map
72 km SSE of Shima, Japan 4.4 0077517751 km 172807662005/10/2024 07:17 map
79 km W of Pangai, Tonga 4.8 0037263726 km 172807651005/10/2024 07:15 map
35 km ENE of Pilar, Philippines 4.7 0055985598 km 172805328605/10/2024 00:48 map
southern East Pacific Rise 5.3 0065586558 km 172805033804/10/2024 23:58 map
147 km NE of Tual, Indonesia 4.6 0037583758 km 172802353604/10/2024 16:32 map

68 earthquakes found. Click on location or map links for more details from the USGS

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Map and data courtesy of United States Geological Survey.